2012年8月6日 星期一

What will be the next revolution of cell phone?

Former cell phone revolution comes from iphone-- cell phone plus apps . The greatest things iphone bring to consumer is to fill up the odd time, and free people from getting bored. However there is byproduct from iphone because iphone or smart phones intensify the connection between men and their cell phone (the bode line below) so it will  weaken the link between people and people(the dashed line before), because the concentration of one man is limited. Hence we will see very often in a restaurant two man across the table play their cell phone alone and never talk to each other. But in the essence of cell phone is to connected with people , and in the fundamental demand of a man we want to get more connected with people not less.

So I believe the next revolution of cell phone is to intensify the social interaction between people.

The "new" cell phone should show different content in different environment, especially social environment. For example, if my colleague is sick, when i use Facebook in my office, my cell phone "knows"  he is nearby, Facebook should show his post first, not to show same page everywhere. And you can imagine the application is far from office, it would applied to date, family, restaurant , everywhere.
This function is similar to the NFC data transition between cell phones, but it's more simple and straight forward, and these two traits is the perquisite to be popular.  Moreover it's different to the LBS service nowadays, because cell phone responded to more lividly subject- humans, not the cold, unaffectionate ordinate.  And there's not privacy problem, because it did not access the data in your cell phone, it just knows you are nearby.
There's two gap need to be cross about this cell phone revolution. First, is the data, but thanks to Facebook, we have the ready built in social data here, for as many as 1 billion users.  The second gap is the interconnection between the cell phone hardware and the content. Cell phone should change, according to the social environment around it.
In this case is the coordination between cell phone manufacturer and Facebook.The work is not easy, but technology is not a problem here. It's the same as the "apps revolution" ,tech about software and internet is already there, integration is the problem. However we know HTC and Facebook are developing cell phones right now, and the value of this phone is beyond the perception of most people, it's far beyond a quick button for Facebook .HTC has been very good at partnership(Microsoft, Sprint, Google), I'm really looking forward to the new cell phone will coming out in near years.


